- Project Coordinator
IGIP Austria is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the scientific nature of education in technical disciplines, with a strong focus on pedagogy and didactics. The organization promotes the education of technical specialists, aiming to advance their qualifications up to university degrees. Emphasizing international collaboration, IGIP Austria actively participates in national and international networks related to vocational education and training.
The organization is deeply involved in research and development tasks within technical subject areas, contributing to the creation and implementation of innovative teaching and learning methods for effective knowledge transfer. Additionally, IGIP Austria fosters cooperation with universities, universities of applied sciences, and enterprises. It also organizes various informational and discussion events to facilitate knowledge sharing and dialogue.
With extensive experience in certifying schools in the field of Entrepreneurship Education in Engineering at the secondary level, IGIP Austria has developed a comprehensive certification system. This system has led to the formation of the scientific working group “Entrepreneurship Education in Engineering” under the International Society for Engineering Pedagogy (www.igip.org).
Looking ahead, IGIP Austria aims to create a certification model for secondary level schools focusing on Green Skills. This initiative is designed to support schools in becoming key influencers in achieving the goals of the Green Deal. The organization maintains robust cooperation with national initiatives related to the Green Transition, such as Greenovet and GRETA, and possesses a thorough understanding of European Commission policy development in this area.

HTL Mödling
HTL Mödling is the largest school in Austria, providing technical vocational education and training (VET) to students aged 14 to 19. The school encompasses seven departments offering education in eleven different subject areas, with a faculty of 400 teachers serving approximately 3,500 students. HTL Mödling combines general education with both theoretical and practical technical training in the students’ chosen fields.
The school offers two main career paths. The first is a five-year technical vocational education program that prepares students for university admission and grants them the title “Ingenieur” from the Ministry of Commerce after three years of professional practice. The second option is a four-year “Fachschule” program that emphasizes practical training. Additionally, HTL Mödling provides a post-secondary education through its “Kolleg” program, designed for students who have already graduated from a secondary school and wish to complete their technical vocational education.
As a technical and vocational secondary college, HTL Mödling is committed to delivering high-quality education and vocational training in various technological fields. Graduates from HTL Mödling are in high demand within the industry. To maintain its high standards, the school collaborates with other organizations to exchange best practices and participates in international cooperation, particularly in digital education, robotics, sustainability, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The school community, including staff and students, benefits from the internationalization of practices and the exchange of skills and knowledge.

- Project Coordinator
The Institute of Vocational Training AKMI is the largest provider of vocational education and training (VET) in Greece and one of the seven largest in Europe. Founded in 1989, AKMI now operates in nine cities across Greece, including Athens, Piraeus, Thessaloniki, Heraklion, Larissa, Rhodes, Chalkida, Elliniko, and Alexandroupoli. It represents nearly 60% of the total VET sector in Greece, offering post-secondary education at EQF levels 3-5. Each year, approximately 18,000 students enrol in one of the 112 specialties available, utilizing over 380 laboratories across 14 different sectors within more than 37,500 square meters of infrastructure nationwide. The diverse fields of study at AKMI’s Athens campuses emphasize collaboration, problem-solving, brainstorming, and reflection, supported by experienced educators who foster an inclusive and safe community.
AKMI SA is the only Greek Centre of Vocational Excellence and a partner of the European Network for Excellence, developed by the European Training Foundation. Members of this network are committed to enhancing the functions, processes, organizational characteristics, and partnerships that define centres of vocational excellence. AKMI is particularly noted for its innovations in green and sustainability practices, such as hosting fashion shows featuring sustainable and recyclable materials. In 2022, AKMI was recognized as the most innovative educational provider in Europe during the European Vocational Skills Week, reflecting its dedication to green practices and its goal of becoming a completely carbon-free VET provider.

The European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB) is an umbrella organization that unites a diverse array of educational providers with the shared goal of enhancing, upgrading, and harmonizing Vocational Education and Training (VET) across Europe. EVBB’s mission is to break down traditional hierarchies between VET and higher education, promote the qualitative improvement of vocational schools and training, and establish VET as a first-choice educational path. The association boasts over 500 members from both the private and public sectors worldwide, with its numbers continually growing. EVBB covers all aspects of initial, advanced, and further education and training, maintaining a politically and denominationally neutral stance. The organization advocates for a borderless, pluralistic, and fulfilling education system as a cornerstone of a democratic society.
EVBB engages in numerous projects aimed at creating, validating, and disseminating VET curricula, exchanging best practices, and training targeted groups based on needs analysis. The organization enhances project visibility and dissemination through popular social media channels, distinctive branding, and organizing events attended by people from across Europe to maximize information spread. EVBB has honed its project management skills, providing support and assistance to members in navigating EU regulations and funding programs. Additionally, EVBB undertakes bottom-up activities, presenting EU stakeholders with insights and expertise from its members and associates, thus influencing policy and practice at the European level.